Kzinti at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Fek'Ihri at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Ennis at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.El-Aurian at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Dosi at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Dinasian at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Dewan at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Denobulan at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.

Deltan at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Cardassian at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Capellan at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Caitian at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Bynar at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Brunali at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Breen at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Borg at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Bolian at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Betazoid at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Benzite at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Benthan at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Ba'ku at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Bajoran at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Andorian at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Alpha (Jem'Hadar) at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Aenar at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Acamarian at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.Many others can be created via the alien generator. As a result, providing the game's lore allows, most of these species are accessible as either playable captains or bridge officers. While there are various sub-categories (i.e Vulcanoid, Arboreal, Reptilian and so on), for the purposes of this list it includes any corporeal life broadly using the standard humanoid wire-frame. Humanoids are species which are generally intelligent, bilaterally symmetrical, bipedal lifeform. Other bridge officers are limited in number, for example, Federation-allied captains can only access a single Naussican as part of the Diplomacy commendation. Likewise, Romulan and Dominion characters must choose their ally before accessing certain officers. Note that access to certain bridge officers are gated DSC and TOS captains cannot access 25th century species until they arrive in 2409. KDF-allied Romulan and Dominion captains) DSC, TOS and Federation-allied Romulan and Dominion captains) Non-Player Character: The species is seen in-game with ground NPC, but cannot be recruited by the player in any form.They are not seen as a ground NPC but are listed as members of the player's crew. Duty Officer: The player may recruit duty officers of that species.Bridge Officer: The player can recruit bridge officers of that species, many of whom have access to specific traits.Note further species can be approximated through via the "Alien species", but this is not registered as a particular species and does not benefit from species-specific traits. Player species: The player is able to create a character in this species.A Species (or Race) in Star Trek Online appear in Star Trek Online in various guises, namely